The Secret To Why You Are Living Your Ego

Life is showing us that there are opposites in life. Dark versus light, black versus white, thick versus thin, big versus small etc. Read the secret to why you are living your ego.

You also have opposites in your being. Most of the time we do not want to be confronted with these “dark sides”, like:

  • Fear (of being abandoned or rejected)
  • Destructive behaviour and/ or thoughts
  • Addiction (drugs, sex, alcohol)

Live by the heart

We have created the idea that we need to identify ourselves in what we wear, our body, work, name and job position. This is not who we are! We have forgotten where we come from. In the nine months after our conception we could not think and we created our body in all perfection.

At the time that was done, we were born. Out of the dark we came into the light. We were pure as a light pearl. We cried when we were hungry, laughed and did not have the ability to think. During our childhood we start with getting a name, a personality and ego. All that is needed to live on earth. BUT, we have surrounded, in the years that we have grown older, our pure light pearls with stuff and mud.

Today’s stuff and mud

Our stuff has grown into an ego that is eager for success, hard work and recognition. We have polished the mud around our light pearl to look better to the outside world. Nowadays we are surrounded by technical logic, all of it occupying our mind, but we do not have the time to reflect on whome we are and what we want.

If you are spending most of your time on social media, playing games, or watching television and movies, you are probably not busy with the journey to your Self. Why should you?

You are keeping yourself locked aways so as not to be confronted with yourself. You are looking around in other gardens, walking in a fantasy world and online identity, while the door to your house is open. You can walk in there for FREE! And all you need to do is turn on the light! You will be free of your fear, and you will be yourself and have fewer problems in life!

It is not easy to look fear in the eye. You need courage, effort, and a willingness to let go. It makes your life easier and it eliminates thoughts that you do not need. Literally when dark meets the light it makes your life joyful. You will have confidence that everything happens in your life at the right time and place.

If you want to know how to embrace your fear, please read more in the article: How To Overcome Your Fears.

The technique is easy. You will experience more freedom and joy as you will tap into your full potential. LIVE YOUR LIFE!

2 thoughts on “The Secret To Why You Are Living Your Ego

  1. It’s arduous to find educated people on this matter, however you sound like you already know what you’re talking about! Thanks

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