10 Super Tips for Having A Good Night’s Sleep

Do you have difficulties falling asleep? Do you have less energy at work?

There are managers who will have enough energy to work with four hours of sleep per night. This group is not large, as on average everyone needs a good night’s sleep of 6 to 8 hours per night. Less sleep, on a structural basis could result in a decrease in job performance.

Sleeping situations are often caused by stress at work, and meeting deadlines and conflicts. At work, problems can be resolved, but we can also start to strive for a good night’s sleep at home.

10 tips for creating a good night’s sleep:

  1. Think backwards through all experiences of that day and relive the day again, from when you got up that morning up to NOW. Be grateful for everything you have learned.
  2. Make sure your pillow is made of natural materials such as wool or cotton.
  3. Place lavender under your pillow or hang a bag of lavender in the bedroom. Lavender makes you relaxed and calm.
  4. Make sure you open a window before you go to bed. This provides fresh air and more
  5. Do not put plants in your bedroom. You need to have enough oxygen and plants use a portion of the oxygen in your room.
  6. Open your curtains and windows daily.
  7. Put away all your clothes on the chair in the bedroom.
  8. Do not hang paintings with loud colours above your bed.
  9. Avoid having a TV, radio and/or mobile phone in the bedroom. All electrical device produce energy, noise or a power supply that does not belong in a bedroom.
  10. Make sure that you stop watching TV an hour in advance before you sleep. Your brain needs to recover and process all stimuli and impressions of the day for at least an hour before sleeping.

Sleep well!

Do you have more tips for a good night’s sleep? Please share your comment below.

Marieke Stoop